Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart is this Friday, December 9th.  Sponsor envelopes should be turned in tomorrow, Monday, December 5th.  If you have lost your sponsor envelope, donations (cash or checks made out to the American Heart Association) can be put in a plain envelope with your child’s name, classroom teacher’s name, and Jump Rope for Heart on the outside of the envelope.  You could also go online to heart.org/jump and have your child join Kolling’s online team (city: Saint John).  This allows you to make a donation directly to the American Heart Association as part of Kolling Elementary’s team.  Please have your child(ren) wear gym shoes and comfortable clothing for jumping on Friday.  Thank you for your part to continue our tradition of success as Kolling has been the #1 Jump Rope for Heart school in the entire state of Indiana 3 of the last 4 years.

Hour of Code

Computer Science Education Weeks is this week.  During computer special, all LC elementary students will be participating in fun and interactive activities to introduce them to computer science and computer programming.  If you purchased an “Hour of Code” t-shirt, be sure  your child wears it on the day he/she has computer class this week.  The computer class schedule is listed below:

Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday
Salazar Smith Blush Enyeart Hoffmaster
Kosik Sikich Stammis Ladwig Horton
VanLaten Mohrbach Ranich Pierters Pugh
Demy Verbeek Pawlak Hankins Wierzba J.
Wierzba D. Perfetti Freeman Waechter Hedges
Bussey Shanks Yothment Henson

Kids Need Coats

It seems like winter took a bit longer to arrive this year, but it has finally shown up.  Please make sure children are coming to school with a winter coat.  Weather permitting and as long as the wind chill is above 20°, students will be outside for recess.

Book Fair Thanks!

The Kolling Scholastic Book Fair 2016 was a success. We had a wonderful week with many parents who set up, helped students shop and took down the fair.  A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers and especially to Mrs. Stevens who was the co-chairperson again this year.

Mrs. Stevens has done a wonderful job as co-chairperson for two years.  She will be missed as Landon moves on to Clark next year.  If you are interested in being  co-chairperson, please contact Mrs. Fertig.

Thank you to all the families that came out to enjoy and support our Family Night.  A special thank you to PTO for providing snacks, Mrs. Neal for the fun craft, Miss Simons from the St. John Public Library, Mrs. Verbeek and Mrs. Stevens for working check out.  We also want to thank five former Kolling students from Lake Central National Honor Society for helping out this year; Maddie Blythe, Crystal Guzman, Samantha Bredar, Lexi Wilkes and Victoria Ross.

Kolling collected $254 for the “All for Books” program.  Scholastic will match this donation with books for the Kids in Need Foundation and Kids in Distressed Situations.

The teachers appreciate the 93 books that were donated from the Teacher Wish Lists for their classroom libraries.